Andrew Brenza

Gossamer Lid

Gossamer 28

sightracks swath on…
responsestilted, in rosewater
away to me my panicraft
of interthighs undercusping
lithe flutterends:

ghostsleaves motherring
flash of sungout was-saw
trystrings vasting the dome
in a leaflitter of egosworn

mirrorspun re-
markings of skypearling
enday, a quiescent winking
in parallactic waveshard
airplane hum

Gossamer 14

august metal-
rasp of harvest

flies machines
the trees, the wave-

length as a sinecure
of undoing

Gossamer 15

to unleaf

clogs of cogclouds
into an “am:”

isolate eyejars
of seldomness

From a manuscript entitled "Gossamer Lid", these are a series of short, compressed poems, each of which aims at being poised at the edge of sense, between the forests of the banal and the pit of the void, and balanced there, for a moment, on the tip of apprehension.

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